The BeNeLux – Kazakhstan Trade Talks: Enhancing Bilateral Trade Relations

Astana, Kazakhstan – October 10, 2024 – The BeNeLux – Kazakhstan Trade Talks were successfully held at Maqsut Narikbayev University in Astana, marking the second edition of this pivotal event. Organized by the BeNeLux Chamber of Commerce in Kazakhstan, the Talks fostered dynamic dialogue and collaboration between public, governmental, and business entities from the BeNeLux countries and Kazakhstan, aimed at exploring solutions to strengthen trade channels and deepen economic ties.

This time, the BeNeLux-Kazakhstan Trade Talks featured a knowledge-sharing program led by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). Auke Boere, Business Development Coordinator for Turkey, South-Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, conducted an interactive session that focused on identifying key growth areas and enhancing cooperation between the governmental agencies of Kazakhstan and the Netherlands.

Nout van Woudenberg, Charge d’affaires of the Netherlands Embassy to Kazakhstan, highlighted the importance of human rights as a cornerstone of sustainable trade and business partnerships, reinforcing the Netherlands’ commitment to ethical practices in international trade relations.

The event provided participating students with valuable insights into the complexities of international trade and allowed them to explore potential career paths in this rapidly evolving field.

Raikhan Ismailova, Investment Promotion Officer from KazInvest, emphasized that while Kazakhstan’s investment climate is generally well-received by investors, challenges persist in project management. She pointed to the complexity of navigating multiple governmental agencies, such as KazInvest, QazTrade, KazIndustry, and the Atameken Chamber, whose overlapping roles can sometimes create confusion due to a lack of integration and streamlined communication.

To address these concerns, RVO and the BeNeLux Chamber of Commerce agreed to work together to facilitate cooperation between the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Atameken, QazTrade, and KazInvest with their Dutch counterparts. This initiative aims to promote knowledge sharing, best practices, and collaborative efforts to streamline processes and improve the investment experience.

Concluding the event, Anuar Kurzhikayev, the General Director of the BeNeLux Chamber of Commerce, emphasized the importance of the BeNeLux-Kazakhstan Trade Talks as a platform for open discussion. “By fostering a more unified approach between trade and investment stakeholders, we can significantly enhance the overall investment experience for both regions and contribute to stronger bilateral relations,” he stated.